about lev rochel bikur cholim
The Heart of the Matter
Lakewood, NJ is a town that can hardly be called a town; it’s a bustling metropolis that’s virtually unrecognizable as the tranquil Lakewood of the early 1990s.
The community’s explosive growth has drastically altered the landscape, but one constant remains: the kindness and selfless devotion of an organization that has unwaveringly supported its residents through decades of triumph and tears.
Since its establishment in 1991, Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim has modified, updated, and expanded the scope of their services to keep up with – and anticipate – the rapidly increasing needs of the community.

Our Mission
Throughout the ongoing transformation of Lakewood, the heart of Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim never changes. Our goal is deceptively simple: to help whoever we can, whenever we can, however we can, and wherever we can.
When any Lakewood resident finds him or herself facing medical concerns – however minor or major – they can take comfort in knowing that there’s a single address for complete care. With Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim at your side, you can – and will – overcome anything.