Page 4 - Year End Report
P. 4
By the
250 25 3 200
Equipment Pulse Oximeters Motor Hospital Beds Stage 4 Air Matresses Oxygen Concentrators
500 85 7 3
Wheelchairs Knee Scooters Feeding Tube Machines Vest Airway Clearance
What we started as an advocacy hospital beds, oxygen concentrators, Systems
program to assist patients in the face oximeters and other equipment. We
of insurance denials and complica- expanded our inventory exponential- 20 35 25 15
tions has expanded to fill a crucial ly to accommodate these new needs
Electric Hoyer Lif s Ventilators Nebulizers Reclining Wheelchairs
need within the community for medi- and realized that there is an ongoing
cal equipment from the mundane to need for high-level equipment en-
complex electronics. We started out abling people to minimize time spent 500 50 $ 1,200,000
by supplying the basics like crutches, in, or even completely avoiding hos-
Rollators Shower Chairs Total Equipment Value
wheelchairs and shower chairs and pitals and to expedite their recovery
expanded to hospitals beds and time. Another need was for oxygen
mattresses, oxygen assistance and respirators which were in many cases *All the equipment is lent out multiple times a year
more. We are there for families who crucial in ensuring survival. Hospitals
cater to elderly and immobile rela- ran short and we arranged emer-
tives, for those who are ill and those gency supplies saving many lives by
with changing requirements. This ensuring that there was never any
eases the weight felt by those who rationing of resources without which
would be home-bound and ensures people would not have survived.
a speedier stress-free recovery and
quality of life. The program expanded so drastically
that we had to construct a 2,000
As a result of COVID, we observed square foot warehouse with forklift
that a new niche had appeared access during COVID to accommo-
for equipment for those who were date the volume. This presents a big
advised not to be hospitalized and new and ongoing opportunity for us
those who were discharged home. to ease the pain of illness
For them to recover, many required