Page 5 - Year End Report
P. 5
Advocacy Advocacy CASE MANAGEMENT
Caring case managers help support families
through every step of their medical challenges,
including insurance authorization and billing
When r’l one is forced to enter into the maze of LRBC liaisons work closely with patients and
family to navigate them through the confusing Knowledgeable and experienced staf connect
the medical world one is overwhelmed by the world of a hospital stay and ensure they receive patients with top doctors best suited for their
lack of guidance and information. One is blind- top quality care. needs and ensure quick access to appointments.
sided by diagnoses that are only partially under-
stood, choices that one isn’t trained to make and LRBC facilitates complicated inter-facility Local EMS calls LRBC from the ambulance to
insurance issues that seem designed to confuse. transfers, ensuring patients get to the best facility coordinate and ensure emergency patients are
for their exact needs. directed to the facility best suited to treat them.
We at Bikur Cholim have a dedicated staf who
do nothing else but hold the hand of the patient
and their family untying the knots and clearing
the blockages. We are on call 24/7 to guide and
comfort through what can be the biggest chal-
lenges that life can pose. COVID has emphasized to us that hospitals are places to visit as
Patient infrequently and for as short as possible. While they usually provide
very high standards of care, the longer a patient is there, the greater
Home their chances are of infection and often of complications. The
faster they can be encouraged towards any degree of mobility the
Care faster their recovery is likely to be. A home setting can be the best
environment if it can be adapted to the patients often complex
requirements. Prior to February the LRBC Home Care Program was
Code Blue finding its foothold among the cholim in town but COVID forced
its expansion and our indefatigable team of volunteer nurses,
In the early days of LRBC Rabbi Kaszirer was paged by Hatzolah that phlebotomist, PAs and doctors went into overdrive by providing
they were on their way to Monmouth Medical Center - Southern vital medical services enabling people to be treated at home
Campus with a patient in cardiac arrest. He ran across the street to the without having to resort to hospital and allowing many in-patients
ER and alerted the head nurse who called a Code Blue. Alarms went of , to be released earlier than would otherwise would have, safe in the
lights flashed and within seconds the emergency doctors and nurses knowledge that they could be given excellent care in the safety of
were assembled with paddles and equipment and they asked where the their own homes. Over 1,300 home visits were carried out during the
patient was. When they discovered that he was still 2 minutes out they COVID period.
demanded to know why they had been called before the patient was in
the building. The head nurse responded “if the Rabbi says you should be SERVICES PROVIDES
here and wait, that’s what you do!”
ɒ Phlebotomy ɒ EKG
ɒ Wound Care ɒ IV/Infusions/Injections